The manuscripts submitted to Journal Computer Science and Informatic Systems : J-Cosys with e-ISSN: 2776-969, will be evaluated through 2 review stages by an editor and reviewers.
The first is the pre-review by the journal editor to evaluate the conformity of the manuscript with the focus and scope of the journal, article plagiarism and the specific author guidelines. J-Cosys uses Turnitin software for plagiarism, and the minimum plagiarism level is 35%. Duration of pre-review by journal editor between 1-2 weeks.
Each manuscript that passes the first stage will be substantially double-blind reviewed by at least two reviewers. Duration of evaluation between 2-4 weeks after review assignment. The editor will send the reviewers comments to the corresponding author to take the necessary revisions. The author requires to make revisions to the manuscript and submit again as soon as posible.
The Editor decides whether the revised manuscript can be published by considering recommendations from reviewers. All pre-published articles must be free from plagiarism content. The Editor will check the similarity of articles in this journal using Turnitin software. All accepted articles will be first published in the In-Press issue for faster indexing.
The author is required to always monitor the process of article progress through the OJS website.