Journal Name | : International Research on Big-Data and Computer Technology: I-Robot |
Initial | : IRobot |
Abbrevation | : J. Int. Res. Big-Data Comput. Technol. |
ISSN | : 2797-4278 (online) / 2797-4294 (print) |
DOI Prefix | : 10.53514 by |
Frequently | : Bianual (April and September) |
Language | : Indonesia |
Indexing | : SINTA 5, Google Scholar, Garuda Dikti, Dimension, BASE, Scilit, More Indexing |
Journal of International Research on Big-Data and Computer Technology: I-Robot is a peer-reviewed journal that can be accessed openly for anyone. The scope of this journal is Artificial Intelligence, Networking Computers, Database Systems, Multimedia, Information Systems, System Analysts, Data Mining, Big Data, Human-Computer Interaction, Expert systems, Internet of Things, Enterprise Architecture, and other fields related to computer science .
Articles published in this Journal have been double-blind-reviewed by peer-reviewers. The decision to accept or not scientific articles in this journal is the right of the Editorial Board based on reviewer recommendations.
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Journal Accreditation |
IROBOT Journal Accredited Rank 5 (Peringkat 5) Dear IROBOT contributors, We proudly announce that IROBOT Journal is Accredited Rank 5 (Peringkat 5) as a scientific journal under the decree of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Decree No 1439/E5/DT.05.00/2024, November 13th 2024 Therefore, we would like to invite you to contribute to International Research on Big-Data and Computer Technology (IROBOT) as a helpful research open source by sending highly qualified paper. Thank you |
Posted: 2024-11-17 | |
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Vol 8, No 1 (2024): April
Table of Contents
Regita Andini Putri1, Ridwan Yusuf2, Andreas Perdana3,
1 STMIK Dharma Wacana 2 STMIK Dharma Wacana 3 STMIK Dharma Wacana
| Abstract views : 59 times
Reni Rahma Yanti1, Ridwan Yusuf2, Usep Saprudin3,
1 STMIK Dharma Wacana 2 STMIK Dharma Wacana 3 STMIK Dharma Wacana
| Abstract views : 33 times
Debi Dwi Septiani1, Untoro Apsiswanto2, Ridwan Yusuf3,
| Abstract views : 59 times
Ismail Puji Saputra1,
1 Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
| Abstract views : 117 times
Dewi Irmawati Siregar1, Ienda Meriska2, Leni Novianti3, Dilla Khoirunnisa4,
1 Manajemen Informatika, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya 2 Manajemen Informatika, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya 3 Manajemen Informatika, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya 4 Manajemen Informatika, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
| Abstract views : 61 times